Thursday, April 10, 2014

MLB Season So Far

The 2014 MLB campaign is about 10 games into the season. Most of the divisions are still knotted tightly. Most of the teams are where we would expect them to be. A surprising record is the Cincinnati Reds. They are 3-6 to start the year. The Reds are a perennial playoff contender; their slow start does not mean a whole lot right now, but it could if they do not turn it around quick. A slow start to a long season is not always desirable. Teams tend to prefer to be in the lead so they do not have to play catch-up.

Another factor now that we are 10 games in is that a lot of the players statistics are still looking a little odd. The hottest hitter right now is Emilio Bonifacio for the Chicago Cubs. He is batting a solid .500, going 19 for 38. There has also been a power surge in some bats in this young season. The current leaders in home runs are Mark Trumbo (5), now on the Arizona Diamondbacks, and Brandon Belt (5), San Francisco Giants. These statistics are sure to change, and become more accurate, as the season goes on.

This season is sure to have plenty of twists and turns as people become injured. To keep up with the most recent MLB news, check in here every now and again for updates.

Monday, March 31, 2014

MLB Season is Underway

March 30th, 2014 was considered Opening Night among the MLB. The featured game on ESPN was between the San Diego Padres and the Los Angeles Dodgers. The outcome of this game was a 3-1 win by the Padres. They were held scoreless until the 8th inning when newly acquired pitcher, Brian Wilson, came in and gave up the long ball to Seth Smith. This homer started their rally. Even though last night was considered Opening Night, the Dodgers already had two games under their belt. They played the Arizona Diamondbacks in a short two game series.

 Today, March 31st, is Opening Day. Some people would consider this a national holiday because of the impact the sport has on our country. This is a strong case for people to try and take off work to watch what they have been waiting 5 months to see. After all of the off-season moves, this year's Opening Day could be one of the most interesting of the decade. We will see how the new players mesh with their team in a real-game environment. Please enjoy watching your favorite team take the field today on this unofficial National Holiday. Game on!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Turmoil and the Tigers

Max Scherzer has reportedly declined a contract from the Detroit Tigers. What would some reasons be why he declined making near $24 million a year? Or how about for the Tigers, is Max Scherzer, reigning AL Cy Young winner worth that much? In my opinion, Max believes he is one of the best pitchers in the league. He is a solid pitcher who could be a number one on many rosters. Not in the Tigers rotation though. Even though Scherzer won 21 games last year, he has only won more than 15 games one other year. I would not pay a pitcher, who could easily end their career with one pitch, top dollar when they have averaged just 12.1 wins per year. I do not see Max winning more than 18 games this year along with an earned run average above 3.5. By Max declining this deal I feel as if the Tigers are in a better position to bargain as the season goes on. If he has a poor season, he will not be worth how much he thought he was. The Tigers will not offer him $24 million a year and he will most likely re-sign with the Tigers for close to that amount. If, by chance, he has another break-out year, he could be on the move. I feel like his odds of only losing 3 games again and producing the eye-popping numbers that he mounted last season are highly unlikely. The Doug Fister trade could, in turn come back to bite the Tigers in the paws at the end of this season. With Bruce Rondon going down right now, I do not picture the Tigers trying to move Scherzer before the trade deadline. The team right now is on damage control. They need to try and stop the bleeding before it turns to a point of no return. Max has to be a vital point in this defense otherwise the Tigers will be back to the same old mantra: "there's always next year."

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Detroit Tigers: Past, Present, and Future

Did the wizards in the "D" finally concoct the perfect recipe in their cauldron? Mike Ilitch has been at the helm for 22 years, and counting. He has seen the cake, but never actually tasted it. Will the newest offseason investments be enough to put the Tigers on top of the baseball world? They have multiple new faces in the dugout this year. The Tigs have been revamped with a new coach, new infield and outfielders, a few young hurlers, and healthy returning players. What will be the most important part of this new team; will the Tigers be able to deliver a Championship Ilitch has long been waiting for?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Captain Clutch or "Mr. November"

Breaking His Ankle
Could the struggling Yankees be without their captain for even longer? That is what the baseball world wants to know. Many may think that with Jeter being down, the Yankees will struggle coming out of the gate. I believe though that with Jeter being absent for a couple of days might benefit them. Derek is a tremendous leader no doubt about it, but he is battling a very difficult injury. Jeter currently is facing an ankle injury. He broke his ankle last year versus the Detroit Tigers while fielding a ground ball in the American League Championship series. Jeter had to have surgery and is reportedly back at practice. It is great that he is recovering fast, but it might be better for the Yankees if he sat out a couple of weeks. Jeter could still be in their locker room, as he is a great leader, but it would be best for the a Yankees if they had Jeter fully recover to his Hall of Fame potential before coming back at 50%. Eduardo Nunez is a stellar backup infielder. He has major league experience in clutch situations. If Eduardo can bat anything above .260 for two weeks, bat ninth, and playing good defense, the Yankees could still be a first place contender in Derek's absence. The Yankees already have a pretty banged up lineup without Jeter, and in my opinion, I would rather have a healthy backup player for a couple of weeks than an injured star. The injured player has a better chance of prolonging his injury if he is playing at game speed everyday rather than taking it easy for a week. Having a key player injured at the beginning of the season is less detrimental than at the end when you know how many games you need to win to clinch the playoffs. Jeter should sit out for a couple of weeks until he is FULLY recovered; if the Yanks allow him that time, they could be poised for a playoff run. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Wild Cards

Robinson Cano Homerun Derby
The list I have comprised is an opinion of mine that many would like to argue. These players are obviously not the only cut and dry players that are Most Valuable Player candidates. Some might say Robinson Cano or Mike Trout. Not doubt about it, they are all above average players who all bring electricity to the ballpark in their own respect, but I do not see them as "all that". Cano is a stelar second baseman for the New York Yankees. His defense is the best aspect of his game in my eyes. Sure Cano can hit 25 plus home runs year after year. You have to remember where he is playing though! They are playing at Yankee Stadium. Cano is left handed which means he has to hit a dinky line drive down the right field line, which might be an easy out at any other park, and it could affect the game! I have a problem with this Yankee team in general being considered the "Bronx Bombers" when they have the smallest stadium corner to corner. Mike Trout, my oh my. This youngster was going neck to neck with Miguel Cabrera in MVP voting all the way up to the last game of the season. The biggest difference between the two is, Miggy sent his team to the playoffs, Trout did not. Trout and the Angels were almost non-existent in the home stretch of the 2012 MLB season. There are many reasons why Trout is not a better player than Cabrera, but many people want to over look them. Trout had 40 more strikeouts than Cabrera in 21 less games. Trout did not play every single day like Cabrera did which means he got some R&R every so often. Trout only had 20 more runs scored than Cabrera and Trout is a leadoff man, his job is to get on base and score! Another key point people make is that Trout was a better fielder, well would you look at that, Mr. Trout does not have a gold glove? This does not mean that I think these players are bad, I just think they are not on the same level as Miggy, Hamilton, Verlander, Pujols, or Buster.

The one, the only, Mike Trout

5) Buster Posey

Gerald Dempsey Posey is the final player to slide his way onto this list. He is the only National League player who was recognized today; he is also the only catcher. Some people might argue that there are more qualified candidates, but this man is for sure worthy of this list. Buster plays the toughest position in baseball. He has played three seasons all for the San Francisco Giants. Buster was the rookie of the year in his first season (2010). Buster is the youngest player on this list and has the least experience, year wise! Playing wise, he has played in as many, if not more, high intensity games. He has been a part of Championship games and has been one two World Series winning teams. In three seasons, two World Series is pretty dang good. He could have helped his team win three straight if he had not been injured his sophomore season. Buster recovered like no other in his third season and won the Most Valuable Player award last year and he carried a struggling San Francisco team's offense. Buster was injured when a player tagging up from third base intentionally led with his shoulder and slammed into Buster at home plate and nailed him in the head. Buster recovered from this injury and came out firing on all cylinders. Buster plays the toughest position because he is always involved in the play. He has to be mentally prepared and physically prepared every game or he will not perform well. If you have never caught before, you do not know the strain it puts on you. Your legs always get tired, and it takes more than one nights rest to recuperate to correct form. Buster can still produce huge numbers even though he plays the most difficult position on the field. His numbers match up with some of the best hitters in the game who do not have the stress of catching a 99 mile per hour fast ball ever night. Buster is a phenomenal catcher and hitter and that is why he closes my list.

Winning it all!